
Monday, December 6, 2010

Exactly, what is a trunk show?

A trunk show is when a particular designer sends a selection of gowns to a bridal salon for a weekend that is from their newest collection. These gowns are sent in so that the bride has additional selections to choose from during her appointment. If there is a particular designer that you like, this is a great weekend to see a larger sampling of their designs than may typically be available in the salon. The collection of gowns travel around the country for brides to see so they are not available for purchase “off the rack”. Sizes will vary by designer and not every gown in the collection will be included. If there is a particular gown that you are interested in, call ahead to see if it will be available or if it can be requested for you!

Gowns by Watters

Things to remember when going to a trunk show:

  • Expect for an appointment to be required as this will be a busy weekend for the salon.

  • Be prepared to purchase your gown that day as it may not be available for you to “re-try” and you will want to take pictures once the gown is purchased.

  • As the gowns probably arrived late Thursday to the salon, they may not be perfectly pressed due to time constraints, try to keep an open mind with wrinkles.

  • Many salons will bring in a representative from the designer to be on hand that weekend, there may be options available this weekend for customization.

For a list of our upcoming trunk shows, click here! We look forward to assisting you in finding the gown of your dreams!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Vendor Spotlight: Tracy Autem Photography

As a bridal salon, we work closley with a lot of vendors and one of our favorite to feature is really wonderful photographers. A great photographer is really key in a huge life event because you will always want to look back on that day and great pictures make a difference!

Today, we want to share some amazing shots from the Tracy Autem of Tracy Autem Photography in Fort Worth. She is a great friend of ours is and is beyond talented behind the camera! Take a look at some of these amazing moments she captured!

Aren't these images beautiful? I told you she was good! And if you're still in the market for a great photographer make sure you browse through her website and blog! They are both full of wonderful photos. (And if you head over here, you can see one of our own Bliss Brides featured on her blog!)

*All photos used with permission from Tracy Autem Photography

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Perils of the Plus Size Bride

I am sorry, you’re not a (runway model), we don’t have any gowns that will fit you.

You can hold it up to yourself and “imagine” what it will look like on you.

Just pick out one from these pictures and we will take your measurements and order it for you.

You might want to lose some weight and come back.

If you lose X pounds, you will fit perfectly in a size X.

Our designers size charts don’t accommodate your size.

The list goes on and on from all the stories we have heard from our brides over the past few years. No one should ever tell you to buy a gown you can’t try on! Beyond that you should be able to have the same experiences that a size 6 can have. (I didn’t say size 0 because oddly enough, they struggle in buying a gown for the opposite reasons. The grass always looks greener but most of the time its not.)

A few years ago, we held a trunk show from a certain unnamed designer (you know who you are!) and they sent all the gowns in a size 6 (read: size 2). WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is a size 2? Ok, besides a size 2, who is a size 2??? We were so frustrated and embarrassed. A bride will never buy a gown that she cannot try on. We wouldn’t and don’t expect you to! So, we wrote a letter, a very long letter, with national statistics and everything explaining why this was just wrong. The response? We’re still waiting on one. So, we refused to take any trunk shows under a size 10 from then on. Problem solved! Not really.

Baltimore - Blue by Enzoani

Two years ago we had the pleasure of our sister getting married! How exciting! Except one thing, she is a plus size bride (not that we don’t love her – we just knew that gown shopping was going to be a struggle). So, against every moral fiber in my body, I went with her to “that” store to try on gowns. I will try not to get off on a tangent here……..The experience was HORRID! I could barely contain myself. We sat down, they took her information (to inundate her with email, mail, and phone calls) then they handed her a book and said, circle the ones you like and we’ll see what we have. So she picked out a few and we were taken to a dressing room aka mirror aka closet. They brought her some undergarments (ick, ick ick – who has worn these? Have they been washed?) and then brought in a few gowns and set us free. Uh, ok. Good thing I’ve done this before (no wonder gowns get damaged!). So I get her into the first gown and we head out to the “the entire world is a stage” mirrors (it looks like a fun house!). She tells us what she likes and what she doesn’t. At this point the “consultant” happens to walk by and says “here, let’s try a veil and see if that helps”. WHAT!!!!! She just said she didn’t like the dress. How In the World is a veil going to change that? (insert eye roll and tongue biting). So we go through the next few gowns, and I go pull some for her from the plastic bag wonder world. She determines what she likes and we leave (begin phone calls and emails). We went back to our store to pick something out from our selections to order for her. Unfortunately, due to a quick military deployment, we had to go another route. However, this adventure taught us one thing. There is a much underserved market out there and this has to stop. NOW! So, we sat down, ordered some gowns in alternative sizes and began “The Reserve”. A collection for the plus size bride which is our top selling gowns in the store, in larger sizes.

Marguerite - Wtoo by Watters

Since we have done this, we have heard some horrific stories from our brides about how they have been treated and what they been told. We have heard comments at bridal shows we would rather not repeat. We make sure that we have multiple plus size models in our runway shows displaying as many dresses as we can, in lieu of the single “token” plus size model. It is our mission to change the face of bridal in regards to the service and treatment of the plus-size bride. We are also pushing our designers to design and carry plus size gowns and applaud the one that actually has a plus size trunk show (Gorgeous with Curves).

We are not trying to pat ourselves on the back for doing this; we are trying to bring awareness to an antiquated industry that changes need to be made. It’s just not fair and we are proving our point to the designers, one dress at a time. If you or someone you know has a similar experience, please let us know. We would love to pass your letters onto each of our designers to help make a change.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So, what should you really spend on a bridal gown? Part 4

Here is the fourth and final installment of your guide to getting the dress of your dreams and a memorable experience at the same time. Make sure you don't miss out! Visit parts one, two, and three.

There are several scenarios brides go through when shopping for a gown. Of course, there are the hundreds of bridal magazines, websites, blogs and television shows but you will never know it’s the one till you put it on! From there, the bride progresses to choosing which salons or stores she would like to visit. Advertising is great but the real determinate should be word of mouth and reviews. Please girls, read the reviews before making an appointment. It can save you a lot of time!

So you choose a store, one of those chain stores, and schedule an appointment. They greet you, take your information and assign you a “consultant”. She hands you some undergarments (how many people have worn these?) and shows you to a room. More than likely you have looked at some pictures and she brings you these gowns and you and whomever you are with start trying them on. Did she train you in how to get into the gown or better yet, offer to assist you? You get the first gown on, head out to the mirrors and see what you think. The process repeats till you find a gown or leave frustrated and confused. Perhaps you have determined what silhouette you do or do not like and subconsciously been trained that you need multiple undergarments and move on to the next store.

The next store on your list is a boutique that your mom or friends have shopped at. Surely this must be better. When you arrive for your appointment you are greeted, they get your information; show you to your dressing room and where the gowns are located. What’s with all the plastic bags? How do you know what’s in your price range? You choose some gowns, your friends/family choose some gowns and you start the process over again, undergarments and all. They may or may not help you, bring you some suggestions or be there to answer any questions you may have. There are other brides and families close by to offer their opinions and you watch as they try on gowns, just as they are watching you. The store has some nice gowns, ones that are seen in all the magazines and some others. A better selection than the last place for sure. Perhaps you find the one, perhaps you don’t. If not, you move on to the next appointment.

The third store looks a little different. They have a strict policy on appointments so you are a little daunted that they might be a bit stuffy, but you go anyway. When you walk in, it looks nothing like a bridal store. They greet you and start asking you about your wedding. (note: they did not ask for your information). They ask that your friends/family sit and relax, look at magazines and albums while you are off to gown selection! Then, your consultant walks you through each gown in the store (within budget, of course), one by one, and gets to know you and your style. You are taken into a spacious dressing room and helped into each and every gown. There is not mention of additional undergarments and come to find out, you don’t need them! These gowns have all of that built in! (read: savings) During the appointment, your consultant has not left your side and helped you to narrow down your initial selections to the overall front runner. This is how an appointment should be! No pomp and circumstance. Who really needs to be paraded in front of people you don’t know? An intimate setting and customer service makes this so much easier! You are so relieved, you found the one and gained a friend to boot!

The above scenarios are merely representations of how different appointments can be and in no way depict any particular store. Emphasis should always be on customer service and the bride. Just because your budget is not ten thousand dollars does not mean that you should have to forgo attention to detail. This goes for size too! Just because you are not a runway model does not mean that you should only have one option for trying on gowns! (don’t worry – a full blog on this coming soon!) This experience should be fun and memorable! Don’t settle for anything less!

So, what should you really spend on a bridal gown? Part 3

The third installment of a four part series. Be sure to catch up on Part 1 and Part 2!

Customer service can make or break the gown. You may love the gown but if you don’t love the person helping you, the entire experience will be an uphill battle. Look for someone that pays attention to you and your thoughts, not what they want to put on you or worse, sell you. Your consultant is hopefully going to be there from day one until your wedding day. They should be someone you can trust to help you along in this unchartered territory.

A good consultant will ask you questions about your wedding, timeline, what you are drawn to or away from as far as styles and details. They will want to get to know your personality in an intimate, one on one, setting to ensure that your gown reflects your style. During the appointment, they should pay attention to what you like and what you dislike and offer guidance and suggestions based on this information. They should know their stock, what changes (if any) can be made to the gown or be able to pull a dress that has everything you are looking for. Once you have found the gown, stop looking! In the words of Randy Fenoli “you found the guy, are you still looking for something better? No. Commit and stop looking”. Once you do this, the rest of the wedding will fall into place.

Another key thing is to look for stores that have been in business for a while and have great reviews online. Remember that they cannot make everyone happy but overall, the feeling should be a good one. Ask your friends and family for suggestions as this is not paid advertisement and will speak more about the store than a fancy ad. Bridal Shows are a great way to meet with stores for a face to face “mini interview” before making an appointment. If they mesh well with your personality, book an appointment. If you do not get the feeling that they know what they are doing or that you are on the same page, you have just saved yourself valuable time and avoided an uncomfortable appointment.

Location, Location, Location! The location of a store can be just as telling as the reviews. If a store is in an area that is “fading” or not central to the heart of the city, they may not have an ear on the newest trends and fashion. Although you may have to drive to find the gown of your dreams, pay attention to where you are driving to. With most bridal salons, they are destination places in lieu of feeding off of “walk in” traffic. They do not have to be in the most expensive location or the most popular area but they should be somewhere you are comfortable. Overall, gown shopping is an experience. One that you want to remember for all the right reasons. Do some homework, visit bridal shows and ask for suggestions.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So, what should you really spend on a bridal gown? (part 2)

Ah, the age old question of how much should a bridal gown really cost. We can’t tell you what to spend but we can tell you what to look for in a gown that will help you determine if the price is worth the gown. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss the important aspects to look for when looking for “The One”. There are many factors to consider when purchasing a gown including fabric, construction, details and customer service. Each installment will focus on one of these topics………..

Construction in a gown is key! A well constructed gown may cost a bit more but in the long run it could be cheaper! If a gown is well constructed, more than likely you will not need additional undergarments like the uncomfortable bustier or the “heat trapping” crinoline. Many gowns come with the boning and support of a bustier already built in as well as a crinoline. These gowns will not only feel better on but will look better on you. Please don’t fall under the impression that a gown with a corset in the back means a better fit or cheaper alterations. Just because someone laced you up tight does not mean that the gown is molded to your body as it would be with proper alterations. When was the last time you saw a corset back on a high end designer gown (besides the ones that really do it for the effect of a bustier top)?

The construction of a gown is not only about the inside but also the fabric quality and what’s on the outside. Better fabrics will hold shape better, look and feel better. As in anything, there are different grades of fabrics. Taffeta can be stiff and taffeta can also be soft and flow. Satin can be thick and heavy or light and opulent. The higher quality of fabric will just feel better all around, to the touch as well as how you feel in it. Also may attention to small things such as how beading is applied, via glue or sewn on. There should not be any visible threads showing in the seams and there should always be a lining!

It’s all in the details. The more details, the more cost involved. If budget is a concern, look for a gown with more architectural components than more embellishment. If sparkle and a lot of it is a must, with a tight budget, look to add it with jewelry that can be worn again instead of on the gown. A simple dress can be accented with just the right jewelry to make a statement! Another way to enhance a gown is by adding a veil with embellishment which can also add accent to the train if it is a long veil, without breaking the bank.

Always look to see how the embellishments are attached. Many times we have seen beadwork glued to a dress. This is not an arts and crafts project! Beads and lace should be sewn onto the dress. We understand if flowers are pinned on as this makes for easy adjustment if the bride wishes not to wear them or adjust their position. Beads, lace and jewels, however, should always be sewn on.

All in all, the more attention to the details and time spent on constructing the gown, inside and out, determine the quality of the gown.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Justin Alexander Bridal comes to Bliss Bridal Salon!

The Justin Alexander Collection is yet another fabulous addition to the salon and will offer Bliss brides even more options and styles when it comes to the most important gown they will ever purchase. What drew us to the Justin Alexander line was the amazing European styling and construction of the gowns while maintaining very reasonable and affordable price points.

About Justin Alexander:
When the international design team at Justin Alexander set out to create a collection of wedding gowns, they had a vision of affordable, couture bridal gowns with accents of glamour, drama and luxury.

Sourcing their fabrications from around the world, the craftsmanship of a Justin Alexander gown includes the finest fabrics... pure silk, rich satins, soft laces, hand crafted beading as well as elegant Swarovski crystals. The corsetry is based on original Victorian patterns and techniques sculpting the classic hour-glass figure to perfection allowing each bride to feel as if it were created just for her.

We invite you to be part of the magic that is created with a Justin Alexander unique and original bridal gown. To view more pictures, visit our Justin Alexander Facebook Album for a sneak peak. For more information, contact us at 817-332-4696 or visit us online at

Friday, July 23, 2010

Announcing Mikaella Bridal coming to Bliss!

Bliss Bridal Salon is pleased to announce the addition of Mikaella Bridal to our selection of designer wedding gowns. This couture line of reasonably priced gowns will allow us to offer an even more extensive variety of styles and options to our brides. The first samples have arrived in the salon and we are thrilled with the fabric, design and construction. To see a sneak peak visit our Mikaella Facebook Album.

About Mikaella Bridal: Since 1937, Paloma Blanca has been producing exceptional bridal gowns from its own manufacturing facilities in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Paloma Blanca has a reputation for designing and producing high quality fabrications with impeccable attention to detail, styling, fit and " on time" service.

March 1, 2004 saw the launch of Paloma Blanca's new bridal collection, Mikaella Bridal, designed to provide the bridal industry with a high quality product at an attractive price point, while keeping production in North America.

Following in the same standards that has earned Paloma Blanca it's reputation, Mikaella Bridal, provides the 21st century bride with classic styling coupled with a modern flair at a reasonable price.
For more information, call us at 817-332-4696 or visit our website at

Friday, July 9, 2010

By Appointment Only? and other such questions.

Often times, people will ask why we are by appointment only and other questions about the store policies. I thought I might take a moment and explain the store policies, the reasoning behind them and why we do what we do. Remember, 80% of the rules are for 20% of the people and typically the ones that get their feathers ruffled are the 20%!

1.By Appointment Only – We are a small boutique with limited dressing rooms and seating areas. We want to ensure that all of our guest receive the same opportunities and service therefore we limit the number of appointments each day. Also, we schedule our consultants based on each day’s appointments to keep our costs down in an effort to keep your costs down. We have two ways you can schedule an appointment, by phone or online. Our online service takes your appointment request, alerts you that your request must be confirmed and we respond via email confirming or rescheduling your request to an open time slot. It’s really no different than going to the doctor. You call/email, request an appointment, they call/email you back and let you know it is confirmed. You wouldn’t just show up at the doctor or dentist without a confirmed appointment would you? We know it is completely different than most of the “big box” or larger stores in the area that have been around forever but we are into over serving our brides, not trying to make as much money each and every day as possible. We will sacrifice sales for serving our brides with appointments to make them as happy as possible! On occasion, as with all technology, things can go awry. The other day, we had an appointment that didn’t make it to our calendar and we called in one of our consultants on a moments notice to accommodate the bride. In the end, we will always do what we can to make our brides happy.

2.Why don’t you answer the phone during an appointment? Our focus is directed towards the bride with as little distraction as possible. We cannot focus on the bride’s wants and desires if we are constantly running for the phone. So, we hope that our future brides will understand this and leave us a message so that we may return their inquiry after we are finished with our appointments.

3.Why must someone be in the dressing room to assist each bride/bridesmaid? Simply, to protect our gowns. We pay for each and every gown in the salon and want to protect them so that they are in the best possible condition for our brides. Also, we have had some practice in helping brides in and out of gowns so it tends to make the appointments run a little smoother!

4.Appropriate Undergarments, what are those? We ask that our brides wear appropriate undergarments to their appointments. We do not keep a treasure chest somewhere with every size and shape imaginable of bra/bustier. We think that’s kind of awkward to wear something many other people have worn. So if you have a strapless, no matter what kind or color, please bring it and above all else, please wear underwear! Yes, we actually have to ask that! You’d be surprised, we are!

5.Why can’t we look at the bridesmaids while the bride is changing gowns? Well, two reasons actually. First, you came with the bride; it is her day, pay attention to her. She cannot focus on what she wants if you are continually saying, look at this/me, what about this color, do you think “insert bridesmaid” would like this? Second, they are behind the jewelry cases! You don’t go behind the counter at Macy’s or Neiman’s do you? We have them blocked off for security reasons and theft prevention. If the world was a different place, things would be different.

6.No pictures! What do you mean no pictures?!?!? As stated before, we have paid for each and every gown in the salon. With that being said, we have also signed contracts with designers stating that we will not allow pictures. Breaking these rules can cause us to lose the line – meaning – we cannot order any more gowns, any gowns that we have on order for brides will not be delivered and the gowns that we do have in the salon are now obsolete. Sorry girls, we love you but we have given our word and will not go back on a promise! I would be wary of any store that would! We have signs posted to try to let you know that this is policy so that we don’t have to get into sticky situations but every now and then, someone decides the sign is not for them and we have to enforce the policy. We hope not to ever enforce the “we reserve the right to refuse service” policy and escort a family out!

7.Why do bridesmaids all come in one size? That’s what the designer sends us! Many times, we have no choice to color or size. We will do our best to accommodate the bridesmaids but sometimes the sizes are too small / too large and it either doesn’t look right or just doesn’t fit. Again, we will do what we can but in the same breath, we are there to protect the gowns from unnecessary damage as well. (I will not go into the 5’ bridesmaid that thought it was OK to traipse throughout the store in a full length bridesmaid gown stepping on/ dragging the hem as she went.)

8.Why do you only allow the consultants to go through the gowns? There are a couple of reasons we do this. First, we walk each bride through each and every gown, within their budget, in the store. Don’t worry! You won’t miss anything! Second, it protects the gowns to have limited stress placed on the gowns. Many gowns are hand beaded and we want them to remain pristine, or as pristine as possible. We do not like the look of gowns in plastic bags so this is our chosen option to maintain the integrity of the gowns. Third, we hope that this will help you make decisions based on what you want, in lieu of other people randomly saying “try this one” when its not at all what you want but you feel you “must” to make them happy.

9.Why do you ask my price range and limit my selections based on this? Well, you’ve seen it a hundred times on TV, the bride will try on a gown out of her price range, fall in love with it and then can’t have it because of price which breaks her heart. We want to avoid this unfortunate situation all together. There are plenty of beautiful gowns out there that will not break the bank or put undue stress on you to pay for them and we are here to help you find that gown! It is not our goal to sell you the most expensive dress; it is our goal to sell you the right dress. The ladies on “Say Yes to the Dress” ask your budget and so do we! Honestly, it’s all in your best interest!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So, what should you really spend on a bridal gown? (part 1)

Ah, the age old question of how much should a bridal gown really cost. We can’t tell you what to spend but we can tell you what to look for in a gown that will help you determine if the price is worth the gown. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss the important aspects to look for when looking for “The One”. There are many factors to consider when purchasing a gown including fabric, construction, details and customer service. Each installment will focus on one of these topics………..

Fabric in bridal gowns can range from Chiffon, Organza, Taffeta, Satin, Silk and Lace with variations on each. Look for fabrics that feel good on you and give you the feeling of being a bride, not of being in a costume. Fabrics with Lace or Silk components will cost more than those without. The higher quality fabrics will hold the gown’s design and shape better along with creating a more elegant look on the day as well as in pictures.

Each fabric has its own merits and cautions. Silk gowns being made of a natural fabric will “breathe” better than a man made fabric however, depending on the type of silk, may wrinkle easier. Organza, lace and chiffon are more delicate fabrics and need careful consideration for outdoor settings yet give off a look of movement and grace. Taffeta and Satin are common fabrics for bridal gowns and can endure any type of wedding you may choose to have as well as travel well and deter major snags, wrinkles and other mishaps. Again, there is not a “set in stone” rule for the type of gown that must be worn, just some simple considerations to make you the most beautiful bride!

Also keep in mind the setting of the wedding as well as the season. We love glowing brides, not glistening ones! If you are getting married outside in the middle of summer, you probably do not want to wear a satin ball gown. On the flip side, if you are getting married in a large cathedral with a formal ceremony, you will probably not want to wear a light and airy sheath dress to where you look underdressed or could be mistaken as one of the guests. Bridal gowns do not typically have seasons beyond the formality of the wedding. Although some dresses might speak more to summer or winter, there is not a true “season” for a wedding gown. Choose a gown that reflects your personality. If you are more modern and trendy, look for fun and whimsical gowns. If you are more classic and conservative, search for a more traditional gown. The major determining factors of what type of gown to wear will be the time of year and the overall feeling of the wedding!

Photo Credit: Bella Pop Photography (top)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Unbridaled Happy Hour!

We'll be back at Capital Bar on July 6th, 2010 for another Unbridaled Happy Hour and great night of fun!! If you are a bride (or groom) make sure you come by and enter our drawing to win VIP Tickets to the upcoming Fort Worth and Dallas Bridal Shows, courtesy of Bridal Shows Inc. For up to date info on the latest event and to RSVP, visit our Unbridaled web page at See you there, Cheers!!

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Capital Bar
3017 Morton Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107

So what is this Unbridaled Happy Hour thing anyway?
Simply put, it's a networking/social function on the first Tuesday of each month where area brides and wedding professionals can meet in a casual, relaxed, no pressure setting. The purpose is to give brides a chance to get to know vendors on a personal level while promoting a sense of community among local wedding professionals.
Of course, grooms are always welcome!!

If you are a bride (or groom): Stop by, have a cocktail or coffee, enjoy a snack, and meet with some of the best wedding professionals the area has to offer. It's your chance to get to know them and discuss your needs in a casual and relaxed venue.

If you are a wedding professional: Stop by, have a cocktail or coffee, enjoy a.... you get the idea! Meet with your peers, discuss what's happening and be available to get to know some of our area's fabulous brides!

PLEASE NOTE: Each participant is responsible for their own beverage/food purchases. :-)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Valentine Shoes in Black have arrived!

We can't tell you how absolutely excited we are...........

The newest addition to our fabulous shoe collection has arrived!

The ever popular Valentine shoe is now available in Black!
For months now we have been hearing our mothers say .........
if they only came in Black I'd wear them myself.
Well now you can!
Make your appointment today to get these fabulous shoes for yourself!
Available only at Bliss Bridal Salon or 817-332-4696
By appointment only

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The "Cardinal Rules" of wedding dress shopping

On a recent episode of Say Yes to the Dress on TLC, Kleinfeld Fashion Director Randy Fenoli offered “The Cardinal Rules of Wedding Dress Shopping.” As simple as these rules may sound, following them can help any bride find her perfect wedding dress with out all the stress.

1) “Don’t try on a dress that is outside of your budget”
A bride will inevitably fall in love with one she cannot afford and will be very disappointed when she can't have it.

2) “Don’t keep secrets from the bridal consultant”
If the bride has already seen something somewhere else that she likes, she should let the store consultant know so she can work with her.

3) “Leave the entourage at home”
It’s ok to bring a friend or family member but the more people a bride brings, the more opinions she will hear and the more confused she might be.

4) “Once you find a dress, stop shopping”
Some brides keep shopping because they are afraid they will miss their “perfect dress.” According to Kleinfeld’s, 90% of the brides who keep shopping actually stick to their original choice.

5) “Don’t get your heart set on a dress you saw in a magazine”
The bride should keep an open mind and try on a few dresses. The one she saw in a magazine might not suit her when she tries it on.

and finally.........

6) “Always wear underwear (when trying on wedding dresses)”