
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Featured Bride : Maureen We were so happy to be a part of the process and day of Maureen’s wedding. She’s going to start off our monthly series of featured brides! Be inspired by their wedding, delighted with their details and most importantly, enjoy their bliss!

Maureen wrote us and described the days leading up to and the day of her wedding. What a cherished time for all involved!

Hi –

I wanted to share with you my wedding photos and story. Everyone absolutely loved the dress. I was so happy at my wedding! Thanks so much for all that you did to help with my dress!

I have attached a few pictures!
Thanks again!
Maureen H
A Cherished Day On August 3rd, we boarded a plane bound for Norfolk, VA. Due to the excitement, I didn’t sleep the night before and was able to sleep some on the plane. Before driving down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina,, we stopped in Norfolk to pick up Bill’s tux. We arrived at our hotel where I dropped off my luggage and headed out to my hair and makeup consultation. My mom and friend Tammy joined me. We laughed, chatted and had a wonderful time. Heading to the courthouse to obtain our marriage license was top on the list of To Do’s on August 4th. We brought our passports, driver’s license and birth certificates, but that wasn’t enough. We needed something with our social security numbers on it. Bill had his number on his military ID. However, I didn’t have mine. So, a touch of panic began to set it. The gal at the office suggested I contact my bank or employer to obtain something with my social security number on it. So, Bill called an HR person at work and she faxed the courthouse my profile which contained my social security number. Whew – that was a minor mishap that all worked itself out. The day progressed nicely with visiting friends and family that had arrived into town. Then, we had our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. It was a fun and yummy dinner at this Mexican restaurant! I stayed with a friend that night where we caught up and chatted. I didn’t sleep that much that night as I was super excited for August 5th!
August 5 has arrived – I could hardly believe it – my wedding day is here! My parents, Sherry and I dropped off the stuff at the reception for them to set up for us and then I went back to the hotel to spend time with my grandmother. It was off to get ready for the wedding. The hair and make up gals were heading to the hotel room. It was fun – we had snacks and adult beverages on hand while we got ready. Friends and relatives stopped by to visit while we were getting ready. It was fun to see everyone! We were ready for the photographer at 5PM, but no photographer – I was a little worried. I called her after we waited for 20 minutes and they finally showed up. We took photos in the room, elevator, out in a gazebo area and on the trolley. My mom and I had a few special moments during the photo time which I will remember forever.
The trolley was so fun. It was wedding white in color with lots of brass flare. The trolley took the gals, friends and relatives to the wedding. The friends and family left to get their seats before the wedding started. The time was getting close. The gals and I left the trolley and headed to the wooden walkway to the beach. The gals climbed the steps to walk down the beach aisle. I couldn’t see what was going on – only heard what the wedding planner told me was happening. While my dad and I waited, folks that were in the condo on the beach yelled, “you look beautiful.” My dad yelled up, “thanks for sharing the beach.” A few special moments with my dad that I will cherish forever!
Finally, the moment arrived. The wedding planner said, “you may begin to walk”.. My dad and I chatted on the walk up the stairs, past the gazebo area to the other end. The weather was so perfect – sunny and a cool breeze. We waited a few minutes and then began to walk down the stairs onto the beach and down the beach aisle. I saw the sign my dad carved that said Maureen and Bill say I Do and then I spotted Bill. I didn’t take my eyes off of him. He looked so handsome standing there. I had a HUGE smile on my face and was so excited! I don’t think I stopped smiling the entire day and night!
The ceremony began and like a flash it was over. We took pictures and hopped back on the trolley to the reception where the party began. We danced, ate, chatted all with our friends and family. I couldn’t have asked for a better wedding. It was just so perfect – exactly as I envisioned and wanted. Thanks to my family and friends for sharing that special day with us! It meant the world to me. The wedding was so me! I loved every single moment and will remember it forever!!
Thank you Maureen for sharing such a special time with us! We’re so happy for you and Bill and wish you two the best in all your future endeavors!

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