
Monday, October 14, 2013

The Tradition Behind Wedding Veils

As little girls we all dream of walking down the aisle toward our Prince Charming wearing an extravagant white dress and a cascading veil of tulle or lace. The tradition of the wedding veil is undeniably breathtaking and one that is unique to wedding celebrations, but how did this tradition originate?
There are a variety of historical explanations, many which date back to the time of the Romans. It is believed that during times when arranged marriages were prevalent, the veil would cover the face of the bride until the ceremony was complete. Upon completion of the ceremony, the groom would lift the veil to see his bride for the first time.

Another theory from Roman times states that the groom would throw a blanket over the face of his bride when he captured her- aren’t we all thankful that our future hubbies don’t do this?!

During the Victorian Era, veils were viewed as a status symbol. The wealthiest brides wore the longest veils and had the longest trains on their gowns.

In many cultures, the veil holds spiritual meaning- serving as a sign of respect or shielding the bride from evil spirits.

It is rumored that “blusher” (the piece of the veil that hangs over the face of a bride) coves the blushing cheeks of the beautiful bride, hence its name- “blusher.”
Wedding traditions are special and repeatedly remind us that throughout centuries and centuries of change, revolutions, and innovations love has always been abundant.

Do you have any wedding traditions that are unique to your family? We would love to hear about them!

- The Bliss Girls 

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